Scripture: This son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found (Luke 15:24 NLT)
.One of the churches I attended for several years no longer offered Vacation Bible School because too many parents failed to pick their children up until late afternoon. Then a new pastor came, Mahlon Macy, who lost no opportunity to present Jesus. The VBS that year was the best ever!
I volunteered to present puppet shows and set to work creating the characters and script for “The Prodigal Son.” The main google-eyed doll was a happy-go-lucky “Proddy,” who wanted his inheritance now, not later. “Daddy-O” finally consented. With the money, Proddy bought a red Corvette and dated pretty “Suziebelle.” They partied until his pocketbook was empty and the car broke down. “How did I know it needed oil?” His costume changed to rags and, almost starving, he decided to return to his father, who ran to embrace him and declared a feast. Then “Eldy” complained, and Daddy-O explained the joy when a son returned home.
At the end, Pastor Macy gave an altar call. Behind the curtain, my junior-high puppeteers sat in reverent awe as six little boys came forward to give their hearts to Christ.
No matter how the story is told, every heart can relate to this powerful parable. It teaches the remarkable love our Heavenly Father has for each of us, no matter how we’ve sinned against Him and brought degradation to ourselves. His incredible compassion and forgiveness await all who return to Him.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we too repent of all our sins and hurry home to Your welcoming arms. In Your great mercy, receive us again as Your sons and daughters. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.