Scripture: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship (Romans 12:1 NIV).
From my prayer journal this morning–on mercy, a quality I do not naturally have at all and much too seldom demonstrate:
“Mercy is the act of getting your hands dirty helping others. Mercy is where a person visits the shut-ins, feeds the hungry, clothes the naked. This goes beyond ‘giving money’ to these people. It’s where a person shows mercy by DOING the act of helping. And they do this act without expecting to be paid for it. Mercy is the intentional touching of people who often aren’t ordinarily ‘touched.’ Mercy is getting close to people who hurt and touching their need. “–Jeff Strite, Sermon Central
“I would not want to reach out someday with a soft, uncallused hand–a hand never dirtied by serving–and shake the nail-pierced hand of Jesus.”–Bill Hybels
Dr. Paul Brand, the orthopedic surgeon who treated crippled lepers in India, told of examining a new patient. When he put his arm around the leper’s shoulders, the man burst into sobs. The translator explained, “It’s because you touched him, Dr. Brand. No one has touched him for years.”
Jesus said when we feed, clothe, or visit the least of His children, it is as if we show this mercy to Him.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please make me more aware of your hurting children. Forgive my selfishness and help me reach out with Your kindness and mercy. Amen.