Scripture: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord  (Romans 6:23 NIV).

Because I’m classified as “elderly,” I have chosen to shelter in place for these last two weeks, obeying our governor’s directive.  My daughter shops for me and gives me a few moments of socialization each day. Otherwise, I only have myself for company.  I am finding more about myself than I’d like, for my thoughts and attitudes are an open book now. I’m finding sinful attitudes not previously recognized.

Centuries ago, our church fathers identified seven character defects which, if not sin in themselves, are “slippery slopes” which will lead one into major sin: Pride, anger, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and sloth. In my solitude, I am recognizing all these tendencies in myself and want to strive for their opposite virtues: Humility, kindness, abstinence, liberality, chastity, diligence, and patience..

Pride vs. humility: No longer can I go where I want, when I want. The Lord is God, and I am not! Only He knows how long this will last, and I must humbly adjust. Checking the news twenty times daily will not hasten the solution. Instead, I should think on God’s presence and earnestly pray.

Envy vs. kindness. Rather than focusing on what others have or achieve, I should look for ways to share my blessings. Phone calls, cards, the internet, and text-messaging can uplift and inspire friends and loved ones if used rightly. Who can use a word of encouragement today?

Gluttony vs. abstinence.  Enforced isolation can lead to compulsive snacking, but excess food will not help me cope with loneliness. Neither food nor books nor digital games must become my god. As a Christian, I am called to turn only to Jesus for my hope, peace, and joy.

Greed vs. liberality.  Many are hoarding against future shortages. Instead, I need to contribute to others from my abundance. Each day I can send a small amount to someone who has less than I.

Lust vs. chastity. As an older widow, I’m seldom tempted by sexual desire.  However, I can easily desire money, food, attention, etc. The answer, as always, is “Christian, love Me more than these!”

Sloth vs. diligence. With extra time on my hands, I’m tempted to waste the precious hours God has given me.  I need to rise early, put God first, exercise, and make a list of His goals for the day, asking His help to complete them before I sleep.

Wrath vs. patience.  I am far too impatient by nature. Some time ago, God showed me that patience is waiting for fellow-climbers to catch up. I must never allow myself to be angry if others are slower than I am, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, cleanse me of these sinful tendencies. During this time of social distancing, help me grow in You.  In Your great Name I pray, amen.