Scripture:  A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out—. Isaiah 42:3 NIV

Reeds were tall pieces of thick grass that grew by the riverbanks. The Hebrew people collected the good pieces for walking canes, sandals, and baskets. But they’d throw away the bruised, cracked, and broken stalks. They had no use for them. They weren’t good for anything.
Most of us have been bruised by life—bruised by sickness or handicaps. Bruised by the hurtful things people have said or done. Bruised by our own wrong choices. Bruised reeds are those who are weak and struggle every day. They’re people like you and me. But no matter how bruised we feel, or how weak and discouraged we are, God says, “I love you. There’s no such thing as a throwaway or disposable person. If you put your faith in Me, I will heal and strengthen you and pour out my love upon you. I will never give up on you.”
The Hebrew homes lit their homes with oil lamps. The bowls were filled with oil and contained a wick. As long as the wick would stay moist with the oil, it’d burn. But when the oil got low, the wick smoldered and smoked. It was then extinguished and thrown away. Many of us feel like smoldering wicks. We used to be shining lights for the Lord. But now we’re spiritually burned out. The stress of life has taken its toll. We no longer pray or read the Bible like we used to. That flaming desire we once had for God is down to just a flicker.
The leper was a bruised reed and smoldering wick. He was diseased, shunned by society, and destined to a slow, terrible death. But Jesus came and touched him, and his life was forever changed
The demon-possessed man was a bruised reed and smoldering wick. He was living among the tombstones, naked, tormented, and cast out by society. But Jesus came and touched him, and his life was forever changed.
The woman caught in adultery was a bruised reed and smoldering wick. She was about to be cast away by society, stoned to death for her sin, but Jesus came and touched her, and her life was forever changed.
The woman with the flow of blood was a bruised reed and smoldering wick. She was in pain, weak, weary, and an outcast from society. She thought that if she could just touch Jesus . . .  But instead, Jesus touched her, and her life was forever changed.
Jesus is the answer for those who are bruised by life and burned out spiritually. No matter how weak or powerless we are, He will give us a life worth living.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I bring You my bruised heart and my flickering faith. Because of Your great love and compassion, I have hope for renewed strength and purpose. Use me as You will. In Your mighty, compassionate name I pray. Amen.