Scripture: Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.,” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43-43) NIV.

Puppet1For several years, I taught children’s church at the Friends Church in Bacliff, Texas. One of my favorite teaching tools was puppetry.  I made four large puppets with bald heads and google eyes, used various wigs and costumes, and coerced several junior high kids to be my puppeteers.  Both the elementary children in the audience and the older ones who performed learned Bible stories through these presentations.

Just before Easter, I wrote a skit about two very bad men, whom I called Ebenezer and Ichabod—names to which the children could not possibly relate. Ebenezer led Ichabod into all kinds of trouble.  One day while people went to the countryside to listen to Jesus was teaching the multitudes, these two stole from their empty houses. Of course, they were caught and jailed. That Sunday, I left the story unfinished.

On Easter, the children entered to find the two puppets pinned to a bulletin board by their “hands,” their heads flopped forward, and a golden cross between them.  Instead of presenting an animated show, I simply read the Gospel story of the two thieves from Luke 23, using the Living Bible translation.

Afterward, one ten-year-old named Donny hung back to talk with to me, a puzzled frown on his face. “That Ichabod man was bad,” he protested, “really, really bad.”

“Yes, he was,” I agreed.

“And yet Jesus forgave him.” Donny’s voice rose in indignation.

“Yes, he did.”

“Well, He’ll just forgive anybody!”

You got it, Donny.  That’s our Jesus.  All who sincerely believe He is God’s Son and reach out to Him in faith will receive forgiveness and the precious hope of a life with Him forever.

Prayer: Jesus, I believe! I am a sinner, but You have the power to forgive me and to give me life with You eternally. I accept You as my Lord and Master, now and forevermore. Amen and amen.



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